#61 | D-6 to internship

Hello, people of the earth.

Today marks D-6 to the official start of the internship.

Thus, in this post, I'll be penning down my feelings, what I feel about it etc.

I went down for a courtesy visit earlier today to familiarise myself with the environment, the children and also, internship schedule specifically. I have no idea which class I'm attached to yet nor do I know the names of the children at all. All I know for now is my mentor's name and the age group I'm attached to.

I got a draft schedule for my internship. Why I say it's a draft is because more editing needs to be done on it and the staff there will edit it over this week so I'll only get the confirmed schedule when internship officially starts.

For now, I'm having mixed emotions. Mostly fear and nervousness since I'm newer to the environment compared to the other interns working there now. I also fear that I would not reach on time since the reporting time... /sighs/ gotta wreck my brain to think of how to get there on time... (grab? uber? bus? train? drive?) 

There's still quite a number of things to be done before internship officially starts... like the introduction letter, consent forms, task list for internship etc.

I should probably start doing the things on my to-do list...

Till the next blog post~!
The Bunny Pal 💖

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