#62 | D-3 to internship

Countdown to Internship: 
2 days, 11 hours, 28 minutes. 
(as of the start of this post) 

The day is slowly approaching.
Which means my short holiday is coming to an end.
Kinda excited but nervous at the same time.
Will the people there like me? or will they find me annoying?

One thing about me is that I'm afraid if I ask too many questions, people will find me annoying. And I hate it. I hate the fact that I find myself annoying all the time. /sighs/

I don't have much to write in this post since it's just a tiny update.

On the bright side, I finished my introduction letter and consent form.

I have to go finish up my to-do list and work.

Till the next post!
The Bunny Pal 💖

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