#93 | stuck

Months have passed since my last post ☺☺

I wanted to write about internship back in February but procrastinated until today


Praying that I'll finish this post by today lol


One of the worst experience I had in my 5 years of studying in this field. First of all, I was sent to a centre 1.5 hours from where I live when there were so many branches around the area I was staying at. I don't understand how they fucking allocated the students. My friend, who lived near where I interned at, got allocated to a centre near to the where I live. Wtf? 

Secondly, I got a mentor who couldn't be bothered to actually fulfil her role as a mentor and supervisor isn't any better. My partner and I ended up having to fend for ourselves during the 6 months. 

As a mentor, they were supposed to meet us weekly to guide us in planning lessons and give feedback. Instead of doing that, they just introduced the centre to us in the first 2 weeks and stopped meeting us anymore until they needed our help to plan for an event. My mentor has never asked about my lesson plans nor did they bother to check up on the interns after that. We were being treated like extra help in the centre (which we are) but lol. They're supposed to guide us in our tasks and make sure we're doing it properly. 

My supervisor isn't any better. She is supposed to help us if we face any issues with our tasks (that our mentor can't solve) and ensure that we get a fair treatment during our internship. She did none of that. When I asked questions pertaining to the tasks, she would just tell me to refer to read the task list & requirement and if I was still understand, ask my intern partner. 

I might as well ask my intern partner to be my supervisor. 

Why is the school paying you such a high salary for doing nothing? 

One of the interns actually feedback to our supervisor regarding the unfair treatments they have been facing in their centre. Instead of speaking to the centre about it, my useless supervisor told her to just tolerate the unfair treatments and to "suck it up". 

Once, I asked my supervisor to explain a certain task to me because she wasn't clear during her explanation. She replied me with "Yes".

Bitch, I didn't ask a "Yes/No" question. I was asking you to explain. 

After 3 years of being taught by her/in her class, the entire cohort has officially confirmed that the lecturer (our supervisor) bought her PhD from overseas. That bitch doesn't understand simple questions. How do you expect us to believe she actually earned that PhD? 

Hands down, worst internship experience. Never want to go back to that specific centre again. 

Deary Me.png | Shen Comix | Know Your Meme


It's been an entire year since covid happened. An entire year of me staying in Singapore because we're not allowed to travel for leisure. I should be in Bangkok right now, enjoying my Thai milk tea while walking around the street stalls, without any mask on if everything was normal. 

Instead, I'm stuck in Singapore, not knowing where to go since it's a tiny country right? You'll get from the east side to the west side in max 45 minutes by car. There's no reason for me to dress up in nice clothes because the scenery isn't as nice as Perth's or Tokyo. I'm also not very active on instagram right now because there's literally nothing for me to post about. 

Tourist attractions? The tickets are so expensive that even with the vouchers, I can only afford 1 Universal Studios ticket and then if I want to visit any other attractions, I still need to make additional top ups in cash. Staycations? The $100 isn't enough for a night's stay at a hotel unless I top up and there's nothing to do there. I might as well stay at home where I have fast wifi. 

Why do they not allow us to use the vouchers for dining in restaurants. I'm sure it'll be more useful that way and it'll be put to good use since everyone needs to eat but not everyone wants to visit tourist attractions. 

I'm just saying... - Kermit Drinking Tea | Make a Meme

There's nothing much for me to write about since it has been a rather boring year for me. Praying for leisure travel to happen soon so I can get out of here and get some fresh air ;;; Since internship ended a few months back, I took a rest to relieve stress I got from the horrible 6 months (where I learnt nothing from my mentor k). 

I think I took a long enough break lmao. I already started looking for a job so hopefully I find one soon and can start working... get me out of this boring cycle where I just wake up, eat and watch dramas (I have nothing to watch now). At least when I start working, I'll be moving around and earning money.. I'm just spending money now.... I need to control...  I've been so bored that I'm looking forward to start work 🤦🏻‍♀️

Let's pray that leisure travel will resume soon

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