#90 | Counting Down: D-5

This is going to be a really short post.

I just wanted to document my thoughts so I can look back at it when I'm older.

D-5 to the end of the semester a.k.a first half of Year 3. 

This also means that I'm getting closer to starting my 6 month long internship. 

Honestly, very excited since that's the only reason why I'll be able to step out of the house everyday. Currently only stepping out of the house 3 days (MAX) a week?? since everything is done online now... 

Remember when I counted down the start of my first ever internship back in 2017? 

#61 | D-6 to internship

#62 | D-3 to internship

#63 | D-1 to Internship

Time sure flies. I'm in my final diploma year and after the 6 month long internship, I'll graduate and start a new phase of life. Studying is fun but right now, I'm looking forward to work life. I've heard so many people complain about work and saying that they regret wanting to graduate quickly. 

I don't know what to feel about it. Maybe it's because throughout my school life, I have been surrounded with selfish/self centered people who don't give a fuck about others and only approach/talk to others when they need help. 

Either that or I just have very bad experiences making friends after Secondary school. People left once they're done making use of me/once I'm no longer of use to them. If they come back/talk to me afterwards, it's mainly because they need my help with certain things. 

I guess that's just how life works?

5 more days before the semester ends. I'm actually done with all the assignments & my part of the video. All I need to do now is to edit the video & proof read my assignments + finish my final quiz before I'm officially done for this semester. 

that's it for this entry!

stay safe everybody!

- the bunny pal 🐰

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